The hubster has to work today so I have to DVR the Super Bowl and we will start watching when he gets home after 8:00. Poor thing!
I went to the grocery store - man was that a zoo! People were cutting me off and my darn kids had to be dancing around and getting in other people's way, too. 7 year old (who just turned 7 in December mind you) decided he wanted to look at the birthday cake catalog and pick out a cake for NEXT year. He wants a Harley Davidson birthday cake that comes with a toy motercycle on it. Yay. Next I will have to be shopping for Arai Vector 2 motercycle helmet.
I am really glad that Mr. SciFiJungle got a new job but man, these retail hours suck. (He is doing computer service.) Ah well, the money is good to have and this will freshen up his resume after he was out of work for a bit.