Today we took a pile of old DS games that the kids don't play anymore, and some XBox games the hubster doesn't play anymore to GameStop and got a $64.00 credit.
The kids each got a new (or used as the case may be) DS game and a new case for their DSi's. I ended up paying about $10 but I think it was a good deal to clean out the house a bit, and especially to give the kids a lesson about the value of goods.
While we were there we saw a Nintendo3DS. Instantly made me car sick in about 20 seconds of looking at it. Blech. I needed some of the best creatine supplement and a nap after that experience. 3D and me do not get along very well. Add it to the list of thigs that make me car sick - cars, boats, airplanes, IMAX... Yes I am a sad puppy.