I got paid on Friday night, and my 6 year old had a reward coming to him so we braved the icy Atlanta roads and headed out to Best Buy. The place was packed. I think that for those who do have a job now the recession is on the wane. Of course employment is a lagging indicator so there are quite a few people who are still feeling it, believe me. (We are a one person working house - hubster is still in school.)
Anyhow, the kids got their new DS games and they have been happily playing with their favorite electronics. Thank God for the Nintendo DS; it rocks at keeping kids happy and occupied when they can't really play outside. I mean its pretty cold out there - dude.
Yeah I know its probably not the greatest parenting, but I need a break too. After yesterday's "snow day" we all just want to chill out and do out own thing.
What are the kids playing on DS today? Drawn to Life 2: the second chapter, and Mario Party DS.