Batman: The Brave and the Bold debuted on the Cartoon Network last Friday at 8:00pm. The show is a kid-friendly animated Batman. According to Wikipedia, the show will not feature alter ego Bruce Wayne, instead focusing on Batman working with other super-heroes.
This looks like a good candidate for me to Tivo for my kids who are 3 and 5. They have enjoyed watching old classic Batman shows and Superfriends as well so I think they are ready to be indoctrinated into the Comic Book world.
Here is a list of the heroes and villains slated to make an appearance in future episodes.
* Adam Strange
* Aquaman
* The Atom
* Bat-Mite
* Black Canary
* Blue Beetle
* Booster Gold & Skeets
* Deadman
* The Demon
* Doctor Fate
* Fire
* Firestorm
* The Flash
* Green Arrow
* Green Lanterns Guy Gardner & Hal Jordan
* Huntress
* Jonah Hex
* Kamandi
* Katana
* Metamorpho
* Plastic Man
* Red Tornado
* Robin
* Wildcat
* Black Manta
* Bronze Tiger
* Calendar Man
* Cavalier
* Clock King
* Despero
* Felix Faust
* Gentleman Ghost
* Gorilla Grodd
* Kanjar Ro
* Kite Man
* Ocean Master
* Sportsmaster
* Zebra-Man